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Intermediate School

Second Grade

Second Grade builds confidence in children's academic abilities and the desire to discover more about the world around them. Children are eager to learn how things work and explore concepts of time, space and quantity.Reading, writing and creating stories and narratives are often favorite activities.

Second Graders engage in a myriad of hands-on learning experiences inspired by the theme "Life Long Ago" and interwoven throughout the daily curriculum. Using a workshop approach, readers spend time in “Just Right” texts that are matched to their reading ability.Students are encouraged to discuss what it means to be a good reader.

They share their love of books while exploring various genres and participating in discussion with their classmates. Using read­ aloud, teachers model and specifically teach skills and strategies of good readers. Through the workshop model, second grade readers improve in accuracy, comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary.

Daily word study is integrated into the literacy block and supports both the reading and writing curriculum. Writers in second grade work through the writing process in a similar workshop model. Using this framework, teachers are able to continue explicit instruction in their developing skills which include generating ideas, organization, author’s voice, spelling, conventions, and handwriting.

Third Grade

Third Grade captures students' energy and imagination and focuses attention on gaining competence and mastery of academic and life skills. Teachers begin each lesson by modeling the reading and writing strategy that is the focus of the lesson.
Students practice the strategy by reading text independently and in a whole group. During the literacy time, teachers model and explicitly teach the skills and strategies of good readers and writers. Third grade readers will develop skills in comprehension, accuracy, fluency, phonics/word study, and vocabulary.
The third grade uses The Everyday Mathematics program as the foundation of its math curriculum. The program teaches a realistic approach to problem solving in everyday situations and uses a spiral approach to teaching with a focus on the concrete to the abstract.

The Everyday Mathematics series empowers students to learn through self- discovery, the use of manipulatives, partner and group discussions, and teacher- directed lessons. Basic skills are frequently practiced through routines and mathematical games.
Furthermore, the program teaches the students to be strong mathematical listeners and communicators. The use of technology plays an important role in allowing students to have a multi­-sensory math experience. In addition, math is incorporated into the entire day through activities such as interactive whiteboard tasks, cooking, gardening, literature, and art activities. In grades one through four, students are placed into one of the five fluid, homogeneous math groups.

Fourth Grade

The fourth grade classrooms are reading and writing communities where students grow in both independence and stamina. Students share their love of books while reading various genres of text, and in so doing, stretch their skills, apply their knowledge, and develop their personal voice.

Grammar Workshop is used to support the skills found both in literature and writing workshop. To supplement the curriculum, Eleven Miles, a skills book, is used to reinforce the elements of writing and reading comprehension.

The Fourth Grade Everyday Mathematics emphasizes the following content strands, skills, and concepts: Number and Numeration; Operations and Computation; Data and Chance; Measurement and Reference Frames; Geometry; Patterns, Functions, and Algebra.

The fourth grade social studies program is integrated with the language arts, science, and library curricula. It is designed to teach specific skills such as researching using print and the Internet; using and reading maps; thinking critically; and debating issues.
Additionally, a goal of the program is to instil in students an appreciation for the larger world. Finally, students begin to develop an understanding of historical context.

The Course of Studies Includes:

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